Rethink Innovative Classroom Assessment Practices
Supporting Innovative Classroom Assessment Theory and Practice across Contexts
What is this study about?
Why is this study important?
This research includes three funded studies focused on supporting progressive classroom assessment theory and practice. These studies are:
Exploring Teacher Assessment Innovations to Address Systemic Assessment Challenges and Inequities
Building Creative Capacity through Assessment for Learning in the Arts with Dr. Benjamin Bolden
Full Steam Ahead: Developing an Assessment Framework for Integrated Elementary Education with Dr. Michelle Dubek
Building Capacity in Assessment for Learning with Drs. Don Klinger, Jamie Pyper, and Lyn Shulha
Research also focuses on broader classroom assessment themes such as fairness, equity, and validity.
Teaching and learning are changing. So should assessment. In this series of studies, we examine contemporary, progressive approaches to classroom assessment across contexts. Specifically, studies focus on how to leverage formative assessment within arts-based learning and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) Education. Throughout these studies, both teachers and student data point to new ways of integrating assessment within teaching and learning processes to better support growth and development.
Selected Journal Publications
DeLuca, C., Dubek, M., & Rickey, N. H. (2024). How hermeneutics can guide grading in integrated STEAM education: An evidence-informed perspective. British Educational Research Journal. 00: 1-18.
Volante, L., & DeLuca, C. (2024). Large-scale testing in the face of AI. Assessment & Development Matters, 16(1), 48-52.
Dubek, M., Rickey, N. H., & DeLuca, C. (2024). Balancing disciplinary and integrated learning: How exemplary STEM teachers negotiate tensions of practice. School Science and Mathematics, 1–17.
Volante, L., DeLuca, C., Barnes, N., Birenbaum, M., Kimber, M., Koch, M., Looney, A., Poskitt, J., Smith, K., & Wyatt-Smith, C. (2024). International trends in the implementation of assessment for learning revisited: Implications for policy and practice in a post-COVID world. Policy Futures in Education.
Rasooli, A., & DeLuca, C. (2024). A critical review of fairness from multiple perspectives: Implications for classroom assessment theory. Applied Measurement in Education, 37(2), 148–164.
Baidoo-Anu, D., & DeLuca, C. (2023). Educational assessment in Ghana: The influence of historical colonization and political accountability. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 30(3-4), 225-244.
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Willis, J., Arnold, J., & DeLuca, C. (2023). Accessibility in assessment for learning: Sharing criteria for success. Frontiers in Education, 8, 1170454.
Rickey, N. H., DeLuca, C., & Dubek, M. (2023). Toward a praxis-oriented understanding of student self-assessment in STEAM education: How exemplary educators leverage self-assessment. Cambridge Journal of Education, 53(5), 605-625.
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Rickey, N. H., DeLuca, C., & Beach, P. (2023). Towards a new theory of student self-assessment: Tracing learners’ cognitive and affective processes. Metacognition and Learning, 18, 1-37.
Rasooli, A., DeLuca, C., Cheng, L., & Mousavi, M. (2023). Classroom assessment fairness inventory: A new instrument to support perceived fairness in classroom assessment. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 30(5-6), 1-24.
Bolden, B., & DeLuca, C. (2022). Nurturing student creativity through assessment for learning in music classrooms. Research Studies in Music Education, 44(1), 360-362.
Cooper, A., DeLuca, C., Holden, M., & MacGregor, S. (2022). Emergency assessment: Rethinking classroom practices and priorities amid remote teaching. Assessment In Education: Principles, Policy & Practice.
Rasooli, A., Zandi, H., & DeLuca, C. (2022). Measuring fairness and justice in the classroom: A systematic review of instruments’ validity evidence. School Psychology Review. doi:10.1080/2372966X.2021.2000843
Rasooli, A., Zandi, H., & DeLuca, C. (2022). Measuring fairness and justice in the classroom: A systematic review of instruments’ validity evidence. School Psychology Review. doi:10.1080/2372966X.2021.2000843
DeLuca C. (2021) Provocation 1: Towards More Radical Assessment Systems. In: Wyatt-Smith C., Adie L., Nuttall J. (eds) Teaching Performance Assessments as a Cultural Disruptor in Initial Teacher Education. Teacher Education, Learning Innovation and Accountability. Springer, Singapore.
Dubek, M., DeLuca, C., & Rickey, N. H. (2021). Unlocking the potential of STEAM education: How exemplary educators navigate assessment challenges. The Journal of Educational Research, 114(6), 513-525.
Volante, L., DeLuca, C., Baker, E., Harju-Luukkainen, H., Heritage, M., Schneider, C., Stobart, G., Tan, K., Wyatt-Smith, C., & Adie, L. (2020). Synergy and tension between large-scale and classroom assessment: International trends. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice. Online first:
Bolden, B., DeLuca, C., Kukkonen, T., Wearing, J., & Roy, R. (2019). Assessment of creativity in K-12 education: A scoping review. Review of Education, 8(2), 342-376. DOI: 10.1002/rev3.3188
Volante, L., Campbell, C., DeLuca, C., Rowsell, J., & Cherubini, L. (2019). Testing literacy today requires more than a pencil and paper. The Conversation Canada.
Volante, L., & DeLuca, C. (2019). Reducing children’s test anxiety with these tips – and a re-think of what testing means. The Conversation Canada.
Rasooli, A., Zandi, H., & DeLuca, C. (2019). Conceptualizing Fairness in Classroom Assessment: Exploring the Value of Organizational Justice Theory. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice.
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DeLuca, C., Chapman-Chin, A. E, LaPointe-McEwan, D., & Klinger, D. (2018). Students’ perspectives on assessment for learning. The Curriculum Journal, 29(1), 77-94.
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Rasooli, A. H., Zandi, H., & DeLuca, C. (2018). Re-conceptualizing classroom assessment fairness: A systematic meta-ethnography of assessment literature and beyond. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 56, 164-181.
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Bolden, B., & DeLuca, C. (2016). Measuring the magical: Leveraging assessment for emergent learning. Assessment Matters, 10, 52-71.
Birenbaum, M., DeLuca, C., Earl, L., Heritage, M., Klenowski, V., Looney, A., Smith, K., Timperley, H., Volante, L., & Wyatt-Smith, C. (2015). International trends in the implementation of assessment: Implications for policy and practice. Policy Futures in Education, 13(1), 117-140.
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DeLuca, C., & Bolden, B. (2014). Music performance assessment: Exploring three approaches for quality rubric construction. Music Educators Journal, 101(1), 70-76.
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DeLuca, C., Luu, K., Youyi, S., & Klinger, D. (2012). Assessment for learning in the classroom: Barriers to implementation and possibilities for teacher professional learning. Assessment Matters, 4, 5-29.
DeLuca, C. (2010). The capacity of assessment in arts education. Encounters in Education, Special Issue: Navigating the UNESCO Roadmap for Arts Education: Current Directions in Research and Best Practice, 11, 3-12.
DeLuca, C., & McEwen, L. A. (2010). Leveraging technology to promote assessment for learning in higher education. International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies and Human Development, Special Issue: ICTs and Education, 2(4), 42-54.
Klinger, D., DeLuca, C., & Miller, T. (2008). The evolving culture of large-scale assessments in Canadian education. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 76, 1-34.